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About CGS
Our mission is to help students connect with Christian graduate schools and seminaries across North America. Inspired by students seeking an educational experience that allows them to follow their faith, further their education, and find their future, our planning resources are created to put a student in the best position to succeed.
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Upcoming events
Study Abroad: Advantages of Graduate Education Outside your Home Country
Phil Kay Admissions Director and Tim Macfarlane, Admissions Manager
February 7, 2024
Navigating Theological Education as a Woman
Dr. Amy Peeler, a current Ph.D. student, and Kim Matsumoto-Graduate Admissions Counselor
March 22, 2024
Latest articles
Finding the Motivation to Complete a Graduate Degree
Many people choose to pursue a graduate degree, however, the journey can be challenging for some of us. We may struggle with burnout and even consider quitting.

4 Key Lessons Learned (Tips for Grads) Inside Higher Ed
When we hire graduate assistants at the University of Wisconsin at Madison Graduate School, we expect them to do a deep dive into graduate education administration.

Working Full-time and Finishing a Degree? Here’s How Adults Can Do It
Anyone who has entered the work-world and started paying off a mortgage knows a simple truth about adulthood: life can get busier than you ever imagined when you were younger.
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Emily K.
“Asbury gave me the opportunity to cover major broadcast events like the Olympics in Athens and ESPN College Football. Gaining so much experience as a student paved the way for my career.”